пятница, 19 апреля 2019 г.

Blade hangs on boot and "FW/BIOS, firmware progress (ABR Status) FW/BIOS ROM corruption" message in AMM

http://linuxtoolkit.blogspot.com/2011/04/blade-hangs-on-boot-and-fwbios-firmware.htmlIf you see and encounter error

Blade hangs on boot and "FW/BIOS, firmware progress (ABR Status) FW/BIOS ROM corruption" message in AMM - IBM BladeCenter HS22, HS22V

When booting BladeCenter HS22 or HS22V with Integrated Management Module (IMM) build yuoo84c installed, the blade may hang at the "UEFI Platform Initializing" screen. The hang will be accompanied by the following event in the chassis Advanced Management Module (AMM) log:

FW/BIOS, firmware progress (ABR Status) FW/BIOS ROM corruption

Affected Systems:
The system may be any of the following IBM servers:

  • BladeCenter HS22, type 1936, any model
  • BladeCenter HS22, type 7870, any model
  • BladeCenter HS22V, type 1949, any model
  • BladeCenter HS22V, type 7871, any model 
This failure may be reduced by disabling Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) support for the IMM. This can be done via the following steps:

  1. Boot the blade to the F1 Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI) setup screen.
  2. Select "System Settings" and press Enter
  3. Select "Integrated Management Module" and press Enter
  4. Select "Network Configuration" and press Enter
  5. Change "IP6" setting to "Disable"
Occasionally, the failure can be recovered by restarting the IMM. If this is not successful, then it is necessary to reseat the blade in the chassis to recover. After a reseat, the blade will boot normally.

Additional Information
This error only occurs at boot time so production servers that are up and running are not at risk.


BNT L2/3 Ethernet Module flash

INIT failed status and Problem communicating with BSMP on IBM Blade Chassis

I have a fully loaded Blade Chassis H (ie 14 Blades). I have the following symptoms similar to what was written in IBM Site INIT failed status - IBM BladeCenter HS22, HS22V


0X0021600 / Symptom:

BladeCenter HS22 or HS22V status is reported as Init Failed and the following error is posted in the Advanced Management Module (AMM) event log:

0x00216000 Problem communicating with BSMP

The chassis has 14 blades installed.


Remove one blade from the chassis.

Install AMM firmware v3.54L (BPET54L) or later.

The file is available by selecting the appropriate machine type on the 'Software and device drivers - IBM BladeCenter' web page, at the following URL:

IBM  Blade Chassis Product View


Select the correct Blade Chassis Product. Since I am using Blade Chassis H, my fixes were

(IBM BladeCenter Advanced Management Module Firmware Update)

The patching will require restart of the AMM. Restarting the Advanced Management Module will disconnect your current session.


пятница, 5 апреля 2019 г.

Производительность mdadm raid 5,6,10 и ZFS zraid, zraid2, ZFS striped mirror


о дисковой производительности Windows VM в Proxmox VE



пятница, 29 марта 2019 г.

BladeCenter S SAS Raid: add capacity with low battery

BladeCenter S SAS Raid: add capacity with low battery

Mar 17, 2016 | bbu, bladecenters, raid, sas
When i try to add my new disk to an existing Pool with the CLI command "add capacity" the result is:

<CLI> add capacity -pool StoragePoolA -drivelist 1:5 1:6

Working ...

Current Machine Local Time: 03/17/2016  09:27:05 AM
Error : add capacity command failed
Reason: Low battery
I know there is a "low battery" status but i'm stuck with "Reset BladeCenter S BBU expiration date" .
Is it possible to force the operation?  
My SAS swversion is:<CLI> swversion
Current Machine Local Time: 03/17/2016  09:22:15 AM

Software version      : H-
UBoot version         : H-
OS  version           : H-
SES version           : 0107
BMC version           : S0BT10A    0121 02/08/2010
FPGA version          : 01.07
CPLD version          : S0CP00A    C00A 01/01/2000
SAS switch version    : S0SW01D    R109 10/09/2014
BBU FirmwareRev       : 58.0
Package Build No      :

Замена батареек IBM BladeCenter RAID Battery Backup replacement

IBM BladeCenter RAID Battery Backup replacement


Does anybody know if is possible to replace the battery inside of a "IBM BladeCenter RAID Battery Backup Module" (p/n 22R6649) ?
The battery is a double 4.8V 3500mAh (P/N 17P8979) and is easy to find a replacement by many sellers over internet.
CLI output is:
CLI> battery -ctlr 0 -get

Controller 0
Current Machine Local Time: 02/23/2016  02:28:45 PM

  BBU State                                         : 3  (Faulted)
  BBU Fault Code                                    : 10  (Expired)
  BBU Part Number                                   : 22R6649
  BBU Serial Number                                 : xxxxxxx
  BBU FRU Number                                    : 22R6833
  BBU Firmware Revision                             : 58.0
  BBU Expiration Date                               : Sun Jan 27 12:00:00 2013
  Charging state information        
  BBU Charging                                      : False 
  BBU Capacity (Hours)                              : 0 
EDIT: I found a possible solution here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/community/forums/html/topic?id=77777777-0000-0000-0000-000014928197
They suggest to place the batteries in service status with CLI
mountstate -setobject -dismount -bbu 0
mountstate -setobject -dismount -bbu 1
Then change the batteries and reinstall the first one, wait about two minutes, and check if battery is recognized. The BBU Expiration Date should be reset.
I followed all the procedure suggested (I also powered off the entire Bladecenter) but my BBU is still Faulty and Expired, with the same Expiration Date:
BBU Expiration Date : Sun Jan 27 12:00:00 2013


Сброс пароля SAS Raid controller Ibm bladecenter


How to reset the SAS RAID module CLI password - IBM BladeCenter S



This explains how to reset the SAS RAID Module CLI password back to the default password.

Resolving The Problem


RETAIN tip: H194812


This explains how to reset the SAS RAID Module CLI password back to the default password.

Affected configurations

The system is configured with one or more of the following IBM Options:
  • IBM BladeCenter S SAS RAID Controller Module, Option 43W3584
This tip is not hardware specific.
This tip is not software specific.


High-Level Workaround Process:
  1. Shutdown both controllers using the AMM.

  2. Reset Defaults on Bay 3 controller only.
    - Wait for Bay 3 controller to reset/post using the AMM.

  3. Shutdown Bay 3 controllers using the AMM.
    - Wait for Bay 3 controller to turn off.

  4. Reset Defaults on Bay 4 controller only using the AMM.
    - Wait for Bay 4 controller to reset/post.

  5. Power on Bay 3 controller using the AMM

Additional information

Detailed Workaround Process:
  1. Shutdown both controllers down using the AMM
    1. Log into the Advanced Management Module.

    2. Click on I/O Module Task --> Admin/Power/Restart.

    3. Click the box next to Bay 3 and Bay 4.

    4. Under Available actions select Power Off Module(s).

    5. Click on Perform action.

    6. Click on OK.

    7. Verify the power state message is Off under the Pwr column.

  2. Perform Reset to Defaults on Bay 3 using the AMM
    1. Log into the Advanced Management Module.

    2. Click on I/O Module Task --> Configuration.

    3. Click on Advanced Configuration under the Bay 3 (SAS RAID Ctrl Mod) section

    4. Verify Advanced Setup setting are Enabled

      - Enable: 'External management over all ports'

      - Enable: 'Preserve new IP configuration on all resets'

    5. Click on Restore Defaults Button

    6. Click on OK.

    7. Click on I/O Module Task --> Admin/Power/Restart.

      - Wait For Bay 3 to POST Successfully:

      POST results available: Module completed POST successfully.

  • Shutdown controller in Bay 3 using the AMM
  1. Log into the Advanced Management Module.

  2. Click on I/O Module Task --> Admin/Power/Restart.

  3. Click the box next to Bay 3.

  4. Under Available actions select Power Off Module(s).

  5. Click on Perform action.

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Verify the power state message is Off under the Pwr column.

  • Perform Reset to Defaults on Bay 4 using the AMM
  1. Log into the Advanced Management Module.

  2. Click on I/O Module Task --> Configuration.

  3. Click on Advanced Configuration under the Bay 4 (SAS RAID Ctrl Mod) section

  4. Verify Advanced Setup setting are Enabled

    - Enable: 'External management over all ports'

    - Enable: 'Preserve new IP configuration on all resets'

  5. Click on Restore Defaults Button

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Click on I/O Module Task --> Admin/Power/Restart.

    - Wait For Bay 4 to POST Successfully:

    POST results available: Module completed POST successfully.

  • Power On Bay Bay 3 using the AMM
  1. Log into the Advanced Management Module Application.

  2. Click on I/O Module Task --> Admin/Power/Restart.

  3. Click the box next to Bay 3.

  4. Under Available actions select Power On Module(s).

  5. Click on Perform action.

  6. Click on OK.

  7. Verify the power state message is On under the Pwr column.

    - Wait For Bay 3 to POST Successfully:

    POST results available: Module completed POST successfully.

Проблемы от батарейки bladecnter

четверг, 28 марта 2019 г.

Обновление компонент IBM BladeCenter

Обновление компонент IBM BladeCenter


Я описывал процедуру обновления здесь.

AMM модуль BladeCenter

Все просто, скачивается с нужного раздела сайта IBM и заливается через раздел “MM Control – Firmware update” веб интерфейса собственно AMM. Обновлять стоит, с ростом версии хорошеет IPMI и прочие мелочи.

FC Brocade

Проверялось на p/n 32R1819.
  1. Через сайта IBM скачивается необходимая версия прошивки. Там будет редирект на сайт broacde.
  2. Перед прошивкой - разархивировать до состояния папки, корневой папкой для прошивки считается самый верхний каталог из архива с большим количеством папок/файлов.
  3. Прошивать лучше подключаясь через ssh/telnet
  4. Листинг кода
    brocade4Gb:USERID> firmwaredownload
    Do you want to continue [Y]: y
    Server Name or IP Address: // IP сервера FTP сервера где лежит прошивка.
    User Name: user
    File Name: /v5.2.2 /v5.2.2/release.plist
    Password: ****
    Firmwaredownload has started.
  • Файла release.plist в этом каталоге реально нету. т.е. указываем путь к корневому каталогу с прошивкой, и приписываем к нему имя этого файла. Несмотря на реальное отсутствие файла в файловой системе, все нормально перешьется.
  • Обновлять прошивки надо в таком порядке: 5.0.5 - 5.2.2 - 5.3.1 -6.0.1a - 6.1.0
  • После обновления первичной прошивки и перезагрузки свитча, начинается процесс обновления вторичной прошивки. Это происходит в фоновом режиме и требует какого то времени (10-15 мин). Состояние этого процесса можно отследить командой "firmwaredownloadstatus" в течении этой подгрузки загрузить новую версию не получится, будет выдаваться ошибка.
  • От версии к версии может меняться способ заливки прошивки на систему, я всегда пользовался FTP. Если что то меняется, то об этом наглядно пишется в консоли. У меня сложностей не возникало. Наиболее простой с моей точки зрения вариант FTP сервера – FileZilla

FC Cisco

Проверялось на p/n 39Y9281.
  • Инструкция по обновлению http://www.cisco.com/en/US/docs/storage/san_switches/mds9000/sw/san-os/upgrade/guide/upgrade.html
  • Прошивка с сайта IBM перенаправляет на CISCO, оттуда ничего не скачать без платного аккаунта. Прошивку можно вытряхнуть из IBM суппорта если крепко сесть им на шею. Отдают спокойно, но не с первого раза.
  • Также можно скачать здесь для авторизации используем:
    login: ibmssg
    pass: storage

Eth BNT (Nortel)

Проверялось на p/n 32R1866.
  • Идеология такая: есть 3 банка (1,2 - независимые ОС, 3 - загрузчик). Процесс обновления для разных версий критически различается. Сначала смотрим версию - затем думаем - затем шьем.
Апдейт с версий ранее до
1. #/boot/gtimg X TADDR GbESM-AOS-
2. #/boot/image X
3. #/boot/reset
4. (reboot)
5. #/boot/gtimg boot TADDR GbESM-ABoot-
6. #/boot/reset
7. (reboot)
Апдйет версий старше
1. #/boot/gtimg X TADDR GbESM-AOS-
2. #/boot/image X
3. #/boot/gtimg boot TADDR GbESM-AOS-
4. #/boot/reset
5. (reboot)
В 2-х абзацах выше
X - имя прошиваемого банка [image1 | image2]
TADDR - ip адрес сервера TFPT
*.img - файлы с прошивками
  • Шить через telnet.
  • Несмотря на указанную возможность использования FTP использовать только TFPT.
  • Скачать прошивку просто так нельзя. На сайте IBM указателя на неё - нету. Нужна она для апдейта старых версий. http://www.bladenetwork.net/media/ZIPs/GbESM-AOS-
  • Для скачки чего либо с www.bladenetwork.net необходимо зарегится и зарегить свой продукт (иначе доступа не будет). Для этого нужен его серийник который можно посмотреть через #/info/sys/general - в консоли.
  • Краткое пояснение команд
    #/boot/gtimg - загрузка прошивки с TFPT в 1-ый или 2-ой банк памяти
    #/boot/image - выбор с какого банка грузится следующий раз
    #/info/sys/general - инфа о системе
    #/boot/cur - просмотр текущих версий прошивок

Eth Cisco

Проверялось на p/n 32R1894.
#archive download-sw tftp://<xxx.yyy.zzz.aaa>/<image>
  • Полное название CIGESM
  • Наименование прошивки - cigesm-i6q4l2-tar.121-22.ea12.tar
  • Разархивировать – не надо.
  • В текущей версии прошивки (show version) должно быть четко указано название железки (от начала файла до первого тире).
  • На сайте IBM к блэйду можно найти не только cigesm но и 3*** серию. причем, что это 3*** говорится далеко не сразу можно не заметить. определяем по названию файла. прошивка сливается с сайта IBM из суппорта раздел Networking по BladeCenter.
  • Прошивка делается с TFTP.
  • Подключаться к свитчу обязательно через COM порт.
спасибо )


Lenovo BladeCenter S RAID SAS Switch Module Firmware
Version, Build ID: S0CL234035 update via Windows

Windows Installation Notes

1.0     Windows Prerequisite Setup (DOS) (Setting up the command line firmware
        upgrade tool)
2.0     Install Procedure (Windows - DOS)

General Notes
The Command Line Firmware Update should be run in a "serial" mode when running
from Windows.

Only one firmware update should be running at any time on a single machine.
Running multiple instances of the Command Line Firmware Update simultaneous is not

The Command Line Firmware Update Tool requires a minimum Python level of 2.5.4.
Python 3.x is not supported.

All unrelated programs should be closed before running this installation process.

Only a single IP address is supported on the system performing the update, or
system may encounter below telnet error message.
MSG:./SbInst.py failed in function runTelnetCmd, rc = 8.

1.0       Windows Prerequisite Setup (DOS)

  Before installing the command line firmware upgrade tool the following utility
  must be downloaded and installed on the system which will be used for the
          - Python (www.python.org) version 2.5.4 or higher

  1.1    Install python 2.5.4 or greater. Python 3.x is not supported.
         - Use the standard install method provided with the python package.

  1.1.1  Configure Windows Environment Variable
         - After the Python installation completes, configure windows by adding
           the following environment variable:
         - Click on the Start button -> Settings -> Control Panel
         - At the Control Panel, select System
         - From the System Properties window, select the Advanced tab
         - Click on the Environment Variables button
         - Within the User variables list or the System variables list select
           the PATH variable then click on the Edit button
         - Add the directory where Python was installed to the end of the
           Variable value xxxx;xxxx;<Full Python Directory Path>
         - Click on the OK button to close the Edit window
         - Click on the OK button to close the Environment Variables panel
         - Click on the OK button to close the System Properties panel
         - Close the Control Panel

         - Close any open DOS windows on the system and re-open as necessary.

  1.2    Once the environment is set up, continue with downloading and Installing
         the SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Package.

2.0      Install Procedure via Windows - DOS

  2.1    Installation Procedure Notes - IMPORTANT

  2.1.1  SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Package Version supports
         Non-Concurrent Code Load (NCCL).

         NOTE: The -n option in the command line for NCCL upgrade inhibits the
         Pre-verify system check.

  2.1.2  SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Package Version supports
         Concurrent Code Load (CCL) if a system is currently at
         Version and newer versions.

         IMPORTANT: The drive FW will NOT be updated if Concurrent Code Load
         is used to upgrade.
         This may result in a 4301 maskable alert being reported for any drive
         with firmware different to the drive firmware in this Update Package.

         NOTE: There is no -n option in the command line for a CCL firmware
         The Pre-Verify system check verifies the health of the system before
         initiating the firmware update.

  2.1.3  SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Package Version supports a
         Single controller configuration.
         For a Single Controller configuration, Non-Concurrent Code Load must
         be used, Concurrent Code Load is not applicable.

  2.1.4  Prior to starting the firmware download and upgrade process all
         persistent alerts must be resolved.
         View the Active Alert List to verify if there are any persistent
         alert(s) that require resolution.
         In some instances, a persistent alert may be resolved by upgrading the
         Check the release letter content to determine if there are persistent
         alert(s) that are fixed in this level of code.

  2.1.5  If an alert 4101 is active, the diagnostic data should be retrieved
         using the First Time Data Capture Utility before proceeding with the
         firmware update process.

  2.1.6  The DOS installation process is supported on Windows XP, Windows 2003,
         Windows 2008 and Windows 7. Windows Vista is not supported.

  2.1.7  For an NCCL firmware update, all IO processes must be shut down before
         performing the firmware update.

  2.2    Firmware Update - Bound Controllers - Non-Concurrent Code Load

  2.2.1  Both RAID controllers must be rebooted into Service Mode.

         From one of the controller CLI issue the following command:

               <CLI> shutdown -system -state servicemode

         Both of the RAID controllers will reboot into Service Mode. Login to
         one of the RAID controllers and verify that both controllers are
         in Service Mode by issuing the following command from the controller

               <CLI> list controller

         Example output:
           |  Ctlr# | Controller |     Status       |  Ports |   LUNs |
           |      0 |       Ctlr0|           SERVICE|       1|      --|
           |      1 |       Ctlr1|           SERVICE|       1|      --|

  2.2.2  From a Windows-based system (XP, 2003, 2008 or Windows 7) create a
         directory from which the code load will be performed.

         Example: C:\codeload (make sure there are no spaces in the path name)

  2.2.3  Download the code executable file

         (lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat) into the code load

  2.2.4  Start the SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Installation

         The syntax for the code installation command is provided below where
         N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the downloaded package and
         X.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of one of the SAS RAID controllers.
         NOTE: This command assumes that the default passwords on the
         controllers have not been changed.
           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX -n

         If the controllers have custom passwords then the following
         syntax must be used where N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the
         downloaded package, X.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of either SAS
         RAID controller and the following passwords are provided:

         -passwd <Controller cli password>, -sas_p1 <SAS Switch Bay3 cli
         password>, -sas_p2 <SAS Switch Bay4 cli password>, and -ftx_pwd
         <mgmnt interface password>.

           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX -n
           -passwd XXXXXXXX -sas_p1 XXXXXXXX -sas_p2 XXXXXXXX
           -ftx_pwd XXXXXXXX

  2.3    Firmware Update - Bound Controllers - Concurrent Code Load

         NOTE: The system being upgraded must be at the Minimum Version

  2.3.1  The RAID controllers must be in the bound state.

         Verify the controllers are in the bound state by issuing the
         following command from the controller CLI:

           <CLI> list controller

         Example output:
           |  Ctlr# | Controller |     Status       |  Ports |  LUNs  |
           |      0 |       Ctlr0|           PRIMARY|       1|       2|
           |      1 |       Ctlr1|         SECONDARY|       1|       1|

         Verify the current RAID controller SW Version is or above by
         issuing the following command from the controller CLI:

           <CLI> swversion

         The Software Version must be H- or newer versions.
         The Package Build No must be or newer versions.
  2.3.2  From a Windows-based system (XP, 2003, 2008 or Windows 7)create a
         directory from which the code load will be performed.

         Example: C:\codeload (make sure there are no spaces in the path name)

  2.3.3  Download the code executable file

         (lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat) into the code load

  2.3.4  Start the SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Installation

         The syntax for the code installation command is provided below where
         N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the downloaded package and
         X.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of one of the SAS RAID controllers.
         NOTE: This command assumes that the default passwords on the
         controllers have not been changed.
           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX

         If the controllers have custom passwords then the following
         syntax must be used where N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the
         downloaded package, X.XXX.XXX.XXX isthe IP address of either SAS
         RAID controller and the following passwords are provided:

         -passwd <Controller cli password>, -sas_p1 <SAS Switch Bay3 cli
         password>, -sas_p2 <SAS Switch Bay4 cli password>, and -ftx_pwd
         <mgmnt interface password>.

           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX
           -passwd XXXXXXXX -sas_p1 XXXXXXXX -sas_p2 XXXXXXXX
           -ftx_pwd XXXXXXXX

  2.3.5  If the Pre-verify fails, check the Alerts and clear any issues
         associated with these Alerts.

         Reboot the controller to clear the Pre-Verify failure Alert(s).

         Restart the firmware update.

  2.4    Firmware Update - Single Controller - Non-Concurrent Code Load

  2.4.1  The Single controller is in Bay 3.

         NOTE: A single controller status in the list controller output
         is STANDALONE.

           <CLI> list controller

         Example output:
           |  Ctlr# | Controller |     Status       |  Ports |  LUNs  |
           |      0 |       Ctlr0|        STANDALONE|       1|       2|
           |      1 |       Ctlr1|      NOTAVAILABLE|       -|      --|

         The RAID controller must be rebooted into Service Mode.
         From the controller CLI issue the following command:

           <CLI> shutdown -ctlr 0 -state servicemode

         The RAID controller will reboot into Service Mode. Login to the
         RAID controller and verify that the controller is in Service Mode
         by issuing the following command from the controller CLI:

           <CLI> list controller

         Example output:
           |  Ctlr# | Controller |      Status       |  Ports |  LUNs  |
           |      0 |       Ctlr0|            SERVICE|       1|      --|
           |      1 |       Ctlr1|       NOTAVAILABLE|       -|      --|

  2.4.2  From a Windows-based system (XP, 2003, 2008 or Windows 7) create
         a directory from which the code load will be performed.

         Example: C:\codeload (make sure there are no spaces in the path name)

  2.4.3  Download the code executable file
         into the code load directory.

  2.4.4  Start the SAS RAID Module Firmware Update Installation

         The syntax for the code installation command is provided below where
         N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the downloaded package and
         X.XXX.XXX.XXX is the IP address of one of the SAS RAID controllers.
         NOTE: This command assumes that the default passwords on the
         controllers have not been changed.
           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX -n

         If the controllers have custom passwords then the following
         syntax must be used where N.N.N.NNN is the build number of the
         downloaded package, X.XXX.XXX.XXX isthe IP address of either SAS
         RAID controller and the following passwords are provided:

         -passwd <Controller cli password>, -sas_p1 <SAS Switch Bay3 cli
         password>, -sas_p2 <SAS Switch Bay4 cli password>, and -ftx_pwd
         <mgmnt interface password>.

           lnvgy_fw_bcsw_s0cl-N.N.N.NNN_windows_noarch.bat -i X.XXX.XXX.XXX -n
           -passwd XXXXXXXX -sas_p1 XXXXXXXX -sas_p2 XXXXXXXX
           -ftx_pwd XXXXXXXX

nutanix записная книжка

First OS! IT firmware